Key Takeaways

  • A 50,000 square foot prefab steel building can serve diverse needs, from warehousing to sports arenas.
  • A 50,000 square foot prefab steel building kit can cost between $500,000 to $1,000,000 ($10 to $20 per square foot).
  • Design, labor, site preparation, and additional fees must be considered for a comprehensive budget.
  • Permits and local building codes can have a substantial impact on overall costs.
  • Reich Construction LLC offers expert guidance and competitive pricing for prefab steel building projects.

Applications of a 50,000-Square-Foot Pre-Engineered Steel Buildings

Imagine a vast space, as large as a football field, with high ceilings and sturdy walls. This is what a 50,000-square-foot prefab steel building looks like. You could house a bustling warehouse, with rows of goods reaching up to the rafters, or a manufacturing plant with heavy machinery and a steady hum of productivity. 

  • Industrial Warehousing and Distribution Centers: With a 50,000-square-foot steel building, you’ve got ample room to store and move products efficiently. The open floor plan allows for easy installation of shelving and conveyor systems, while the high ceilings offer vertical space for additional storage.
  • Large-Scale Manufacturing Facilities: For manufacturers, this space means the ability to arrange large assembly lines, house heavy equipment, and manage workflow seamlessly. The strength of steel also supports heavy loads and machinery without compromising on safety or durability.
  • Sports and Recreational Arenas: From indoor soccer fields to ice rinks, a steel building of this size is perfect for communities looking for a year-round sports facility. Its clear span structure means no obstructive columns, ensuring an unobstructed view and maximum usable space. 

We worked on a recreation project for Piney Orchard Ice Arena that is 44,000 square feet. where we doubled the existing 22,000-square-foot facility. The pre-engineered steel spans the 100 ft width and supports the extensive HVAC and refrigeration systems required for an ice rink.

pre-engineered steel building ice rink
Our work on this sports facility involved constructing a complicated foundation system and super-insulated exterior shell.
  • Agricultural Storage and Processing Units: Farmers and agricultural businesses can benefit from the vast space for storing machinery, crops, and for processing activities. The prefab steel building can be designed to include temperature control for preserving produce quality. Check out our project on Maranatha Farms to see how we played a part in building a temperature-controlled barns. 
  • Retail Supercenters and Wholesale Outlets: Imagine a sprawling retail space with aisles wide enough to accommodate the bustling crowds during a sale. A 50,000-square-foot steel building can host such a supercenter, providing a durable and adaptable space for various retail setups.

Reich Construction LLC, led by industry veteran Bruno Reich, specializes in pre-engineered steel buildings across the U.S. With 40 years of expertise and over 1500 successful projects, we ensure cost-effective, sustainable solutions. Accredited by AIA, MBCEA, and USGBC, our services include complete design, engineering, permitting, budgeting, and construction. Trust us to transform your vision into a lasting prefab steel structure.

Contact Reich Construction LLC for Your Pre-Engineered Steel Building Needs

Cost to Build a 50,000-Square-Foot Steel Building

Steel is the backbone of your building, and its price can swing the cost of materials considerably. While the market is ever-changing, the cost for the steel alone can range from $10 to $20 per square foot. 

For a simple 50,000-square-foot storage building or workshop (excluding groundwork, sediment control, concrete slab, etc.), the steel building package costs $500,000 to $1,000,000 ($10 to $20 per square foot). Erecting the building adds $300,000 to $500,000 ($6 to $10 per square foot). 

Complex structures, needing detailed construction drawings, government approvals, and additional construction work (clearing, grading, utilities, concrete slabs, electrical, plumbing, HVAC, etc.), typically cost $60 to $100 per square foot.

Our experience tells us that while the steel package might seem like the bulk of your cost, it’s the additional elements that complete your building and can significantly affect your budget.

Site Preparation and Foundation Work

Before a single steel beam is erected, the land must be prepared. This could mean clearing trees, leveling the ground, or even altering the site’s drainage. The foundation work is next, and it’s crucial. It involves pouring concrete to create a solid base for your building. Depending on soil conditions and the complexity of the foundation, costs can vary widely. 

For a 50,000-square-foot building, site preparation costs around $200,000 to $400,000. Foundation work ranges from $100,000 to $200,000. 

Labor and Installation Expenses

When you’re building something as substantial as a 50,000-square-foot steel structure, labor is a significant part of the equation. For a building of this magnitude, labor costs can range from 20 and 40 percent of the total construction budget, or depending on hourly rates.

These figures can vary based on the complexity of the structure, the experience of the crew, and regional wage rates. At Reich Construction LLC, we pride ourselves on working with skilled professionals who ensure efficiency and safety on-site, optimizing labor costs without compromising on quality.

We focus on efficient and regulation-compliant assembly by skilled professionals to minimize costs without compromising quality.

Transportation and Logistics Considerations

Getting the materials to your site is another puzzle to solve. Transportation costs can be affected by the distance from the manufacturer to your site and the price of fuel. 

For a 50,000-square-foot building, logistics can add anywhere from $20,000 to $100,000 to the total cost. We take care of these details, ensuring that materials arrive safely, on time, and within budget.

Permitting, Inspections, and Legal Fees

Permits and inspections are non-negotiable. They ensure that your building meets local codes and safety standards. Depending on the location, these can cost between $2,000 to $20,000 or more. 

Legal fees for land purchase or construction contracts can also add up. We help you understand these processes, leveraging our experience to anticipate and manage these costs effectively.

50,000-Square-Foot Prefab Steel Building Cost Breakdown 

To give you a clearer picture of the financial expectations, let’s break down the potential costs for a 50,000-square-foot steel building. Please note, these are estimates and actual costs may vary.

Cost FactorEstimate
Steel Material$500,000 – $1,000,000
Site Preparation$200,000 – $400,000
Foundation Work$100,000 – $200,000
Labor and Installation20 to 40% of the budget
Transportation$20,000 – $100,000
Permitting and Legal$2,000 – $20,000

Extra Design & Add-On Options

Now, let’s talk about making your steel building your own. You might want to add some flair or functionality that goes beyond the basics. Whether it’s for aesthetics, comfort, or compliance with certain regulations, these add-ons can significantly enhance your building but also impact your budget.

Flooring and Interior Finish Upgrades

The standard concrete floor might not cut it for every use. If you need something more specialized, like anti-static floors for electronic manufacturing or sealed floors for food processing, this will add to your costs. Interior finishes also play a part. Drywall, paint, and fixtures will make the space more comfortable and functional for workers or customers, and prices for these upgrades can vary widely.

Exterior Siding and Roofing Enhancements

The exterior of your building is more than just curb appeal; it’s about protection too. Upgrades like premium siding materials or a roof with a longer warranty can add anywhere from $20,000 to $100,000 to your project. 

An example of a prefab steel furniture store we built in Woodbridge, Virginia with a customized facade.

Fire Safety and Security Systems

Safety is not optional. A fire suppression system is often required, and security systems are a wise investment. For a building this size, you’re looking at an additional $5,000 to $50,000, depending on the complexity of the systems you choose. These are costs that can save lives and protect your investment, so they’re worth every penny.

Insulation and Energy Efficiency Features

Energy efficiency isn’t just good for the planet; it’s good for your wallet too. Insulation, energy-efficient windows, and LED lighting can reduce your operating costs in the long run. The upfront cost for these features can range from $10,000 to $100,000, but they’ll pay for themselves over time through lower utility bills.

Custom Doors, Windows, and Ventilation

  • Overhead doors for equipment access: $2,000 to $5,000 each.
  • Insulated windows for climate control: $500 to $1,500 each.
  • Industrial ventilation systems for air quality: $5,000 to $25,000.

Remember, a prefab steel building is more than just a structure; it’s a long-term investment. With careful planning and expert guidance from Reich Construction LLC, you can maximize the value of your investment and enjoy a building that meets your needs today and for years to come.

Custom Doors, Windows, and Ventilation

Let’s not forget the elements that turn a building shell into a functional space: doors, windows, and ventilation systems. These are crucial for both operations and comfort. Large overhead doors are essential for equipment access in industrial uses, while windows can provide natural light and reduce electricity costs. Proper ventilation is a must for maintaining air quality, especially in manufacturing settings or areas where many people gather.

Design Your 50,000 Square-Foot-Steel Building with Reich Construction LLC

Building a 50,000-square-foot steel structure is a complex process that involves numerous steps and stakeholders. Reich Construction LLC offers comprehensive project management services to ensure that each phase of your project is executed flawlessly.

From initial design to final inspection, we coordinate all aspects of the construction process, including permitting, material sourcing, construction, and quality control. Our goal is to deliver your project on time, within budget, and to your complete satisfaction.

We use only high-grade materials and the latest construction techniques to ensure that every building we erect is durable, reliable, and built to last. Our quality assurance processes are rigorous, and we stand behind our work with solid warranties that give you peace of mind.

We understand that cost is a significant consideration for any construction project; we strive to offer competitive pricing without compromising on quality or service. 

Choosing Reich Construction LLC means partnering with a team that is as invested in the success of your project as you are. We bring years of experience, a commitment to excellence, and a personal touch to every project we undertake.

Contact us today to discuss your 50,000-square-foot pre-engineered steel building project and its costs. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How much does it typically cost per square foot for a steel building like this?

The cost per square foot for a 50,000-square-foot prefab steel building typically ranges from $16 to $20 for the basic materials. However, this is just the starting point. Additional costs for site preparation, labor, and customization can increase the overall price.

For a more accurate and detailed estimate tailored to your specific project, we recommend consulting with our team at Reich Construction LLC. We’ll consider all the variables and provide you with a comprehensive quote that reflects the true cost of your project.

What is the expected timeframe for erecting a 50,000-square-foot steel building?

The timeline for erecting a 50,000-square-foot steel building can vary based on several factors, including the complexity of the design, weather conditions, and the efficiency of the construction crew. On average, you can expect the assembly of the steel structure to take several weeks to a few months.

At Reich Construction LLC, we use a streamlined construction process to minimize delays and ensure timely completion. Our project managers work diligently to keep your project on schedule without compromising on quality or safety.

Are there any design limitations when planning a steel building of this size?

One of the many benefits of prefab steel buildings is their incredible design flexibility. While there are some considerations to keep in mind, such as local building codes and load-bearing requirements, the possibilities are nearly limitless.

We work with you to navigate any potential limitations and optimize the design of your building to suit your specific needs. Our experienced engineers and designers are skilled in creating innovative solutions to overcome any challenge.

What are the most common uses for a 50,000-square-foot pre-engineered steel building?

A 50,000-square-foot pre-engineered steel building is incredibly versatile and can be used for a wide range of applications. Common uses include:

  • Warehouses and distribution centers
  • Manufacturing facilities
  • Agricultural storage
  • Retail showrooms and supermarkets
  • Sports facilities and community centers

The adaptability of these buildings makes them suitable for virtually any industry, providing a durable and cost-effective solution for large-scale space needs.

Is there a difference in cost between commercial and industrial steel buildings of the same size?

While the base cost for commercial and industrial steel buildings of the same size may be similar, the final cost can differ due to the intended use and customization requirements. Industrial buildings might need more robust flooring systems to support heavy machinery, while commercial buildings may require more aesthetic and comfort-oriented features.

At Reich Construction LLC, we provide detailed estimates that reflect the unique aspects of your commercial or industrial project, ensuring there are no surprises when it comes to your budget.